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Let’s have a look at Training and Development trends.

The Human Resources Professionals are continuously looking to develop training programs for their training needs. To most businesses, the Human Capital is the most important resource. These resources are the backbone of the strategic objectives of an organization. The competitive environment which surrounds the organizations today requires training and development.

Today’s learning and development is supported by the use of technology. The pace at which learning is delivered is accelerating rapidly due to the use of technology. With the help of technology organizations are able to deliver personalized training for their employees. The motive to provide training today is to make individuals equipped with the latest technological knowledge. Everything is being digitized in this age and time. With this rapid digitization the training needs of the employees are also changing.

The top trends in training and development are

1) Development of competencies for future goals: The management is required to improve the leadership skills of the employees and prepare them to take charge of the responsibilities. The trend nowadays is to hire the mentors who train the employees and prepare them for future leadership responsibilities.

2) Improvement of communication skills: Companies are now emphasizing upon the employees to learn communication skills and other soft skills. These skills help them negotiate within and outside the organization. One of the skills which is most important nowadays is the communication ability of individuals. These communication skills also refine the social skills of individuals

3) Online Training: The training is delivered via online medium nowadays. This eliminates the cost of training as well as the effort which was required in traditional training. The organizations may do it with the help of a third party software or develop an in house software. Online training eliminates much of the hassles involved in the older methods of training. This include the need to deliver the training again and again as well.

4) Mobile friendly content: The employees are now being provided with the trainings on mobile friendly platforms. Employees don’t get the time nowadays to do all the hassle to learn and grow. The organizations are now implementing such systems which will help their employees to learn on the go. 

5) Personalization: The training programs are now personalized as per the needs of employees. Every individual has different skills need as well as different strengths and weaknesses. The organizations are now developing such programs which improve the learning experience of employees by providing them with tailor made programs which suit their personalized needs.

6) Training for behavior change: The training is now being provided to change the behavior of employees and adjust it in the favor of organization. The behavior which is necessary for the growth of the organizations is now being reinforced in individuals with the provision of training.

7) Maximum knowledge acquisition: The goal of providing training nowadays is to increase knowledge in individuals. Knowledge is the key towards achievement in this age and time. This knowledge is reinforced in employees through continuous training.

8) Continuous learning culture: The organizations now reinforce continuous learning culture by providing their employees with the latest learning material available out there. This ensures that they continuously learn and grow in their personal as well as professional life.

9) Video based learning: The learning material is now being provided by the organizations through the use of videos. The videos are recorded once by the organizations and then they are delivered again and again. This reduces the cost of training the employees in physical setting.

10) Real time progress monitoring: The organizations are now able to monitor the progress of their employees in real time. They set training objectives of the employees which synchronize with the strategic direction of the organization.

Conclusion: The elaboration of the term training has changed along with time. Training does not exists now the way we knew it earlier. A lot of trends have facilitated this change. The trends would continue to evolve the term training and its meaning. Along time the scenario will change more in this context and there would be surely other trends surfacing which will surely change the way we know training today.



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